71024: Physical Chemistry
Course Level: undergraduate
The course deals with understanding a scientific field that uses tools and physical ideas in order to describe properties of chemical processes in order for us to predict whether or when a chemical reaction will be implemented and under what physical conditions.
The course includes lectures and exercises.
71615: Soil Formation
Course Level: undergraduate
The course covers basic soil characterization, physical and chemical weathering, and products of soil weathering. It describes the five factors of soil formation; parent material, topography, biological, climate and time. In addition, the course covers soil classification. The classification, formation and the agricultural aspect of Israeli soils are emphasized.
71973: Physical Chemistry and Surface Phenomena in Soils
Course Level: graduate
The course describes the soil system and its components, and the structure of soil minerals focusing on oxides and clay minerals. The course deals in detail with inorganic soil surface phenomena including adsorption, compensation, cation exchange and flocculation. The electric double layer model and the basic adsorption models are developed. The course focuses on new developments in soil colloids and interface science i.e., discussing recent publications in scientific journals. Furthermore, the student will write a mini-proposal in the scope of the course which they execute during the lab sessions and present it to the class.